Jumping back in time a bit, after Córdoba, I had intended to go to Ronda. However, Jeanne, one of the people I met in Córdoba, convinced me that it would be more fun to divert to Seville with some of our new mutual friends. (As she put it “It’s up to you, but you have to come.”)
And you know, I figured, why not?
The first morning in Sevilla we did exactly what you’d expect a group of near strangers to do: we took a carriage ride around town.
I skipped the Cathedral and Royal Alacazar; I saw them last time I was in Seville and figured I may see them again when I come back with my sister in June. This turned out to be a great idea, since we had time to wander around Triana, eat a fantastic spread at Bodega Siglo XVIII, and lounge in a park along the canal.
And, as with my previous visit, I enjoyed the street entertainment. This time it included a couple of Ozzies on makeshift percussion instruments (aka buckets).
And more flamenco! This time without castanets but with live music!