Jumping back in time a bit, after Córdoba, I had intended to go to Ronda. However, Jeanne, one of the people I met in Córdoba, convinced me that it would be more fun to divert to Seville with some of our new mutual friends. (As she put it “It’s up to you, but you have […]
Spanish Language School – Week Four
Last week was my fourth and final week of Spanish classes. My class saw more change (a new professor and new students) but not a lot of new material. We spent the week practicing and reviewing the two past tenses we’d learned the previous weeks, which I found a bit frustrating. (The practice was very, […]
Spanish Language School – Week Two
By some miracle, my class stayed exactly the same this week: we had all of the same students, same teachers, same classroom. (This is not typical; all of us are in the school for varying time lengths with different start dates so classes typically see at some change each week.) Next week we won’t be […]
One Day in Sevilla
One of the perks of being at an immersive language school is the extracurricular activities. Each weekend the school (in concert with other local language schools) arranges an optional excursion. This weekend we went to Seville. Six hours is nowhere near enough time for Seville, but that was the time I had, and what I […]