• travelogue
  • Jimena de la Frontera

    Castillo Panorama

    Following Ronda, I stopped in another one of the “White Villages”, Jimena de la Frontera. The train ride between Ronda and Jimena is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s worth doing just for the train ride alone! Unfortunately it’s not so easy to take good pictures from a moving a train, so here’s the best one: Jimena clings […]

  • travelogue
  • Soggy


    It’s been raining across the whole Iberian Peninsula since May 6. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been drenched. I’ve now purchased an umbrella and a poncho, which haven’t kept the rain at bay but have kept me from repeating the soaking I had walking to the bus station in Sevilla (and […]